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About Us

At Coffee News® of Kennebec County our mission is to help small and medium-sized, local businesses grow with affordable, exclusive advertising.

We cover two areas of Central Maine – Augusta and Waterville (as well as Fairfield), with two separate editions to make sure you reach your local customers.

What is Coffee News®?

Coffee News® is a weekly publication delivered to restaurants, coffee shops, hotels, and anywhere people go to have a bite to eat or wait for service. Coffee News® has the week’s funniest and most unusual news stories, jokes, trivia, amazing facts, and more.

Everything in Coffee News® is fun and entertaining. It is a big breath of fresh air to millions of readers who are tired of hearing only bad news. Coffee News® is Positive!

What does that mean for an advertiser? This means that your ad is being viewed each and every day. Coffee News® editions are placed in businesses where people are waiting for food or service. The distribution locations are chosen carefully to assure you of the largest viewing audience. With exposure 3 meals a day, 7 days a week, your ad reminds current clients/customers to return to your business for products or services, while constantly creating interest for potential new clients/customers in your business.